The objectives of the HD district shall be to:
   A.   Minimize flood hazards, water runoff and soil erosion problems incurred in development alteration of the land;
   B.   Maximize retention of natural topographic features such as skyline profiles, ridgelines, ridgecrests, hilltops, hillsides, slopes, arroyos, ravines, canyons, prominent trees and rock outcrops, view corridors and scenic vistas;
   C.   Ensure that development on or near topographic features relates to the surrounding topography and will not be conspicuous and obtrusive because of design or location;
   D.   Provide safe vehicular circulation to and within hillside areas and minimize scarring effects of hillside street construction;
   E.   Minimize exposure of human life and property to wildland fire;
   F.   Minimize potential for deterioration of ground water quality;
   G.   Ensure efficient expenditure of public service funds. (Ord. 2687 § 1, 2008)