For the purposes of this section, the front of a building shall be considered the side containing the main entryway. (This provision may result in buildings with multiple front yards.)
   A.   Single-Family Dwellings:
      1.   Where two (2) or more single-family detached dwellings are located on a lot, there shall be not less than twenty feet (20') between dwellings arranged side to side; not less than forty feet (40') between dwellings arranged front to rear; and not less than thirty feet (30') between dwellings arranged rear to side. Front yards facing a side property line shall be not less than fifteen feet (15'); side yards facing a rear property line shall be not less than fifteen feet (15'); rear yards facing a side property line may be five feet (5').
      2.   Where a driveway is included in the space between buildings, the total space between buildings or required yards shall be increased by the width of the driveway.
      3.   Main buildings and/or accessory buildings shall in no instance be closer than ten feet (10').
   B.   Multiple-Family Dwellings Containing More Than Two Units:
      1.   a. Where there is more than one main building on a lot or building site, or where a building is constructed about a court, each building or wing shall have the following yards:
For one-story buildings
For two-story buildings
         b.   For buildings having offset surfaces, each yard standard may be reduced up to five feet (5'), provided the average required space between buildings is maintained.
         c.   For buildings placed at an angle with each other, each yard standard may be reduced up to ten feet (10'), provided that the average required space between buildings is maintained, except that main buildings shall be no closer than twenty feet (20') at the closest point, and main buildings and accessory buildings shall be no closer than fifteen feet (15') at the closest point.
         d.   The yard standards of this subsection may be modified by the planning commission where it can clearly be demonstrated that the modification(s) will improve the project in terms of more usable open space, aesthetic appearance and living environment, except that no main buildings or main building and accessory building shall be closer than twenty feet (20').
      2.   Where a driveway is included in the space between buildings, the total distance between buildings shall be increased by the width of the driveway, except as follows:
         a.   Where a driveway is included in the space between buildings arranged rear to rear that have garages incorporated into the dwelling units, the total distance between buildings shall be not less than thirty feet (30'), and the side of the building opposite the driveway shall be considered the front of the building;
         b.   Where a driveway is included in the space between buildings arranged rear to side that have garages incorporated into the dwelling units, the total distance between buildings shall be not less than the width of the driveway plus the required side yard, and the side of the building opposite the driveway shall be considered the front of the building.
      3.   The distance between buildings or wings shall not be less than the sum of the yard requirements for each building or wing, as set forth herein. Main buildings and accessory buildings shall in no instance be closer than fifteen feet (15'), except that the front yard of any main building facing a garage or carport shall be a minimum of forty feet (40'). (Ord. 2744, 2014: Ord. 1960 § 1, 1986: Ord. 1000 § 19.20(I), 1955)