Principal permitted uses in R-R-A Districts include:
Accessory animal raising associated with a primary single dwelling unit.
A. Regulations Established: This section establishes regulations to allow animal raising as an accessory use to a primary single dwelling unit. Table 18.29.030(c)(1) of this section identifies the types and numbers of animals allowed. Combinations of the animal types are allowed, provided:
1. The total number in each category is not exceeded;
2. Where animal types are limited only by a maximum number per lot or unit, these animals are allowed in addition to any other accessory animal raising use. However, where animal types are limited by a ratio of animals per lot area, these animals may not be reused to allow another animal type;
3. For the purpose of this section, lots with attached multiple residential structures shall be limited to those animals allowed by table 18.29.030(c)(1) a and b of this section for lots less than seven thousand two hundred (7,200) square feet.
B. Public Health Laws: All animal raising land uses shall comply with public health laws regarding proper care and maximum number of animals.
C. Structures: Each animal raising land use includes all structures necessary to maintain and care for such animals (e.g., barn, corral, stable, pens and coops). Such structures shall comply with all development standards including those specified by the land use district and this section.
D. Distance From Human Habitation: All animals, other than cats, dogs, canaries or birds of the psittacine family, shall be maintained at least seventy feet (70'), measured in a straight line, from any structure or area used for human habitation or public assembly (e.g., parks, churches, etc.) on adjoining property and forty feet (40') for structures and area used for human habitat or public assembly that is located on site. The area of human habitation shall not include cabanas, patios (attached or detached), private garages or storage buildings.
E. Distance From Property Lines: Such animals shall maintain a clearance of at least five feet (5') from interior side and rear property lines, and fifteen feet (15') from side street rights of way, excepting an alley or bridle path, unless they comply with subsection F of this section.
F. Animal Enclosure: Animals may be maintained by a fence at least five feet (5') high and made of either chainlink, wood with horizontal members no less than six inches (6") apart, solid masonry or other appropriate solid screening and confining materials. Such a fence may be located on an interior side or rear lot line and fifteen feet (15') from a side street right of way.
G. Distance From Water Well: All animals shall be kept no closer than one hundred feet (100') from a domestic water well.
H. Conditional Use Permit: Accessory animal raising of densities greater than or of animal types different from those specified by this section shall be subject to a conditional use permit.
I. Newborn Animal Exception: Offspring of animals maintained in accordance with applicable lands and regulations which are less than four (4) months old or which have not been weaned, whichever is longer, of any animals which are maintained in compliance with the provisions of this code and any other applicable laws, ordinances and regulations shall not be subject to the maximum density or number limitations established by this title. Offspring of equestrian animals which are less than three (3) years old, for those bred on the property, are permitted. Such animals shall not be included as part of the number of allowable animals.
J. Confined Animals: Animals which are normally maintained in aquariums, terrariums, vivariums, birdcages or similar devices each of which does not exceed fifty (50) cubic feet and where such devices are maintained within an enclosed building shall be allowed as an accessory animal raising use. The maximum number or density limitations for these animal types shall comply with public health regulations.
K. Types And Number Of Animals Allowed: Table 18.29.030(c)(1) of this section identifies the types and number of animals allowed as follows:
TABLE 18.29.030(c)(1)
Animal Type | Minimum Lot Area | Maximum Density Or Number |
Animal Type | Minimum Lot Area | Maximum Density Or Number |
a. Dogs/cats | Less than 7,200 7,200 –9,999 10,000 –19,999 20,000+ | 2 per lot or unit 3 per lot or unit 4 per lot or unit 5 per lot or unit1 |
b. Chickens or similar fowl (hens only) or rabbits and other small animals | Less than 7,200 7,201 –9,999 10,000 –20,000 20,000+ | 2 per lot 3 per lot 4 per lot 1 per 2,000 square feet (maximum of 9 per species per lot) |
Male fowl | 1 acre | Maximum of 9 per lot with no more than 2 of any species |
c. Sheep and/or goat (female) | 7,200 – 9,999 | 1 per lot |
Sheep and/or goat (female) | 10,000 | 1 per 5,000 square feet |
Sheep and/or goat (male) | 20,000+ | 1 per lot (cumulative total of sheep and goats is 9) |
d. Cattle, buffalo, horses and other large animals | 20,000 square feet with 60 foot frontage | 1 per 10,000 square feet with a maximum of 9 (cumulative total cannot exceed 9) |
1. Requires conditional use permit for a kennel. For the purposes of this zone a "kennel" is defined as 5 or more cats or dogs and supersedes the definition of kennel as described in section 18.08.350 of this title.
L. Prohibited Animals: No person shall offer for sale, give away, or bring into the R-R-A zone any lion, tiger, bear, wolf, cougar, or any other wild undomesticated animal as defined in section 6.16.010 of this code. All such animals may be impounded subject to the provisions of section 6.16.010 of this code.
Home occupations, as defined in chapter 18.08 of this title, and subject to the provisions of chapter 18.160 of this title.
Single-family dwellings, not more than one dwelling for each lot and uses permitted in the A-2, agricultural district, provided the area of the lot is not less than that required in the A-2 district. (Ord. 2190, 1992)