Uses permitted by conditional use permit in the A-1 zone include:
Accessory public parking areas which serve existing public facilities such as parks, trails or linear parks, or similar public uses, containing more than ten thousand (10,000) square feet or twenty (20) spaces. In this instance, "accessory" shall mean that the parking area is accessory to the existing land use of either park, trail or linear park, or similar public use.
Aviaries and hatcheries.
Dairies, including the processing of milk.
Farms or ranches for commercial raising of poultry or rabbits. No more than five hundred (500) poultry or rabbits for each twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of lot area; provided, however, that such rabbits or fowl are kept at least fifty feet (50') from any property line, and five hundred feet (500') from any residential zone, church, school, park or hospital.
Grange halls and similar uses incidental to the promotion and development of sound agriculture.
Riding stables or academies; provided, that the minimum lot size for such use shall be not less than five (5) acres, and that all such buildings for the housing, feeding or rental of such animals shall be at least one hundred feet (100') from any property line, and five hundred feet (500') from any R-S or R-1 zone, church, school, park or hospital.
Water harvesting, no bottling on site. (Ord. 2835, 2016)