18.20.040: ACCESSORY USES:
In the A-1 zone, the following accessory uses that are secondary and supplemental (not to exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the land area in active agriculture/ranching) to the primary agricultural uses of the land, may be permitted subject to approval of an Administrative Use Permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.193 of this title.
   A.   Retail self-pick or u-pick by customers of produce grown on-site (between one hundred fifty (150) to three hundred (300) persons daily).
   B.   Tours, day classes, day camp, educational farm camp, or farm experience excursions (between one hundred fifty (150) to three hundred (300) persons daily).
   C.   Farm-stay facility, or general tent camping facilities (no motor vehicles or trailers), with up to fifty (50) rooms.
   D.   Overnight camp for persons under eighteen (18) years of age, with up to fifty (50) beds. (Ord. 2967, 2024: Ord. 1000 § 12.10(B), 1955)