A.   A certificate of hardship permitting demolition, moving, subdivision, a lot split, new construction or alteration which has been denied a certificate of appropriateness may be granted under the conditions described herein. Applications shall be made in a form prepared by the preservation officer and the same procedure for public notice, public hearing and appeal as for a certificate of appropriateness shall apply.
   B.   A certificate of hardship shall be granted only if the owner(s) of the designated property in question can produce evidence to show that:
      1.   Reasonable use or return on the property is not possible under the conditions of the certificate of appropriateness; and
      2.   Alternative plans which would be in keeping with the interest of this chapter are not feasible.
   C.   The commission may delay the decision on the application for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days to investigate plans to allow for a reasonable use of or return from the property or other measures to preserve the property, including selling the property to an individual or group that would preserve it.
   D.   The commission shall review the evidence and make a written finding, stating the facts and reasons behind the decision. It shall notify the applicant by mail of the acceptance or denial of the certificate of hardship. (Ord. 2467 § 1, 2002: Ord. 1954 § 9(d), 1986)