The powers and duties of the historic and scenic preservation commission are as follows:
   A.   Conduct or cause to be conducted a survey of structures, buildings, places, scenic areas, urban design features, and objects (resources) for the purpose of identifying those of cultural, aesthetic or historical significance;
   B.   Recommend, in accordance with the criteria set forth in sections 2.62.160 through 2.62.190 of this chapter, the designation of landmarks, historic properties, historic and scenic districts, and urban conservation districts to the city council;
   C.   Compile and maintain a list of nominated resources and a current local register of all properties designated as historic resources;
   D.   Approve, approve conditionally, or deny applications for certificates of appropriateness and certificates of hardship for designated or nominated resources pursuant to sections 2.62.200 through 2.62.230 of this chapter;
   E.   Review and send comments to the appropriate commission about proposed general plan and zoning text and map changes, municipal improvements, and housing and redevelopment plans that have bearing on the protection, maintenance and enhancement of designated or nominated resources;
   F.   Endeavor to promote public interest in and understanding of historic, cultural and aesthetic resources and their preservation;
   G.   Consult with and advise public officials and agencies; civic, educational, professional and other agencies; and with citizens generally in relation to the preservation of these resources and to serve as liaison between the city and historical organizations;
   H.   Undertake educational programs and activities in order to teach community members methods to maintain and rehabilitate Redlands' historic resources;
   I.   Advise the city council regarding easements, other less than fee interest in property, and development agreements for the purposes of preservation of resources;
   J.   Seek out information and advise the city council regarding the availability and utilization of gifts or special funds from federal, state and private sources;
   K.   Make recommendations to the city council in order to provide technical expertise necessary to carry on the functions of the commission;
   L.   From time to time to issue commendations to owners of historic resources who have rehabilitated their property in an exemplary manner;
   M.   Ensure that historic preservation is coordinated with other city activities;
   N.   Acquire facade easements and monitor them;
   O.   Submit a budget to the city council and make recommendations regarding the hiring of staff. (Ord. 1954 § 7, 1986)