A.   Permit Application: Demolition permit applications for structures less than fifty (50) years of age shall be scheduled for review by the City's Director who shall determine whether the application is exempt under CEQA or whether an initial study shall be prepared, in accordance with CEQA, by City staff.
   B.   Director Determination: The Director shall review any initial study that has been prepared, the staff report, the documentation supporting the application, and any testimony from the applicant, and make a determination of the historical significance of the structure proposed to be demolished.
      1.   If the Director determines that the structure has no historical significance and demolition of the structure is determined to be exempt from the preparation of a negative declaration or environmental impact report under CEQA, the Director shall thereafter issue the demolition permit in accordance with this Code.
      2.   If the Director determines that the structure may have historical significance and/or that its demolition requires the preparation of a negative declaration or an environmental impact report under CEQA, the demolition permit application shall be referred to the City's Historic and Scenic Preservation Commission for further review and action. ( (Ord. 2899 §5, 2019)