A.   Physically challenged and/or elderly customers with infirmities, who do not have an able bodied person assisting with their household or business activities, may receive set out/set back service for automated containers upon written request to the city. The request shall describe the infirmity and/or other factors, and the care they are receiving from a family member, a service provider or other assistant, for their infirmity, which require the applicant to receive such service. For those persons who are approved for the service, there shall be no extra charge. A special designation shall be made to alert the collector to provide the service which shall continue until terminated by the director. If the director deems it necessary, he shall have the authority to require that the customer provide proof of the physical challenge or infirmity from a physician.
   B.   For automated customers involving special on premises collection, as with those state above, containers shall be freely accessible and not be placed for collection inside closed buildings or a gated area. (Ord. 2382 § 1, 1998)