The following laws of operation shall be observed at all times.
   (A)   Every person riding a bicycle, skating device or golf cart upon a public roadway shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practical, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or when a vehicle is proceeding in the same or opposite direction.
   (B)   Motorized or battery powered vehicles used specifically for the purpose of transporting the elderly or disable persons are permitted to be on the trail.
   (C)   Persons riding a bicycle upon a public roadway shall not ride more than two abreast.
   (D)   No person shall operate a skating device or bicycle habitually or as to annoy or loiter in front of any business establishment during the hours of operation, except for the exclusive purpose of transacting business.
   (E)   Whenever a person is operating a skating device or bicycle upon a sidewalk or pathway, such person shall yield right of way to any walker or jogger and shall give audible sign before overtaking any such pedestrian.
   (F)   No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at a time than the number for which it is designed and equipped.
   (G)   Whenever a useable pathway has been provided adjacent to a roadway bicycles, skaters, joggers and walkers shall use such path by staying to the right of the path as to allow for the easy flow of traffic on the path.
   (H)   It is unlawful for any person riding upon any bicycle, roller skates, skateboard, sled, coaster or toy vehicle to attach same or himself or herself to any vehicle upon a roadway.
   (I)   Any person using a pathway or sidewalk while accompanied by a domestic animal shall at all times maintain control over the animal and keep the animal on a leash. Any person accompanied by a domestic animal shall remove any defecation left by their animal within city limits. Any person with an animal shall at all times yield the right of way to other person(s) and shall not interfere or allow the animal to interfere with other person(s) activities. No walker or jogger may be accompanied by more than two animals. No biker or roller skater may be accompanied by more than one animal.
   (J)   Horseback riding is strictly prohibited on or along any paved pathways and sidewalks within the city limits unless the riding takes place in an area designated for that purpose.
   (K)   No person shall deposit, dump or leave any refuse, debris or litter on any pathway, sidewalk or roadway within the city.
   (L)   No person shall mutilate, deface, kill, damage, disturb or by any means injure any property or natural property along any pathway, sidewalk, roadway or in any open spaces within the city.
   (M)   No person shall use the pathways, sidewalks or roadways carelessly, recklessly or heedlessly in disregard of the rights or the safety of others.
   (N)   The speed of bicycles, joggers and skaters shall be so restricted as may be necessary in order to avoid colliding with another and to maintain oneself in the general flow of movement at that time and location.
(2009 Code, § 511.07(2)) (Ord. passed 9-9-1996) Penalty, see § 72.99