It is a defense to prosecution under this Part:
A. That the juvenile is accompanied by his or her parent(s), guardian(s), or other adult(s) who has the care or custody of the juvenile.
B. That the juvenile is on an emergency errand (without any detour or stop) directed by his or her parent(s), guardians) or other adult(s) who has the care or custody of the juvenile.
C. That the juvenile is going to or coming directly from, without detour or stop, with permission, his or her place of school or approved employment, which includes vocational training.
D. That the juvenile is going to or coming directly from a medical appointment or an emergency.
E. That the juvenile has permission to leave the school campus for lunch or a school-related activity or has possession of a valid school-issued off-campus permit.
F. That the juvenile is going to or coming from a continuing/alternative education activity.
G. That the juvenile is attending an official school, religious or other recreational activity supervised by adults or sponsored by the City of Reading or other governmental entity, a civic organization, or another similar entity that takes responsibility for the juvenile and that the parent(s) or guardian(s) has given permission for the student to attend such activity.
H. That the juvenile is going to or returning from, without any detour or stop, of the foregoing in Subsection G.
I. That the juvenile is going to or coming from any government-sponsored activity.
J. That the compulsory education or continuing/alternative education to which the juvenile is subject is not in session.