A. The proposed agenda for a regular or special meeting of the Council shall be prepared by the City Clerk in consultation with the President or committee of Council created for that purpose.
B. The proposed agenda for an emergency meeting of the Council shall be prepared by the City Clerk in consultation with the President.
C. The proposed agenda for any regular meetings shall be forwarded to all members of the Council at least two days prior to the stated meeting and shall be posted two days prior to the meeting on the City's web site. Sufficient copies of the agenda must be available prior to the beginning of the meeting. [Amended 1-22-2007 by Ord. No. 1-2007]
D. The title of any ordinance or resolution to be considered shall be published as part of the agenda.
E. The published agenda may be amended at the meeting by a majority of members present, plus one, immediately after roll call. No matters other than those on the agenda as amended shall be acted upon by the Council.