(a) Establishment and powers. On or before January 1, 1995, there shall be a Transition Committee established consisting of 11 persons to facilitate the transition from the existing form of government to the form of government established by this Charter. The Transition Committee may draft necessary ordinances, rules, and regulations, including the Administrative, Fiscal and Personnel Codes in order that they may be adopted on or after the effective date of this Charter.
(b) Membership. The Transition Committee shall include:
(i) The current Mayor;
(ii) One member of current City Council;
(iii) Three members of the Reading City Government Study Commission, said members to be selected by the Chairperson of the Commission; and
(iv) Three staff employees of the City of Reading, including one from personnel and one from finance, such employees to be selected by the Mayor.
(v) Three qualified voters of the City, said individuals to be appointed by current City Council.
(c) Vacancies. Any vacancy on the Transition Committee shall be filled by a majority of the remaining members of the Transition Committee.
(d) Compensation. The Transition Committee shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for legitimate expenses.