See § 1307 of the Charter.
Editor's Note: § 1307 of the Charter provides:
§ 1307. Personnel.
(a) Charter effect on employees. Nothing in this Charter, except as otherwise specifically provided, shall affect or impair the rights or privileges of individuals who are employees of the City on the effective date of this Charter as to salary, tenure, residency, retirement, or pension benefits; employments; leave with pay; or other personal rights. Nothing in this Charter shall diminish the rights and privileges of any former employees in their pension or retirement benefits.
(b) Exemption from competitive tests. Any employee holding a position with the City at the time this Charter takes effect who is serving in the same or comparable position at the time of its adoption shall not be subject to competitive tests as a condition for continuance in the same position, but in all respects shall be subject to the personnel system provided for in this Charter.
(c) Personnel action. Until approval by City Council of the Personnel Code required by § 703, the Mayor, in consultation with the Managing Director, shall have the power to establish by written directive a personnel system for all employees. All appointments and promotions, except additions to the exempt service, shall be made on the basis of merit and fitness. All personnel actions shall be in accordance with the provisions of a personnel system established by such written directive. Copies of all such directives shall be forwarded by the Mayor to City Council within 24 hours after being issued.