A. The Board, upon receipt of a member's application, shall pay a full pension to a member who is physically or mentally incapacitated from performing his duty in the Department of Fire and Rescue. Said pension shall be monthly payments for the life of the member of not less than 1/2 (50%) of the employee's monthly salary as of the date of disability.
B. The Board shall, upon application received, retire on pension any paid fireman or employee if he is physically or mentally incapacitated, through injury or disease incurred off the job from performing his duty in the Department of Fire and Rescue, provided the disabled fireman or employee has completed a minimum of five years in the Department. The monthly pension that an employee shall receive hereunder shall be an amount equal to 1/40 of his monthly salary as of the date of disability for each year of service. In computing years of service, a fraction of year shall be counted as such, a fraction of years.