A. Overview. The educational duties of the Board are two-fold:
(1) It shall direct and administer, with professional assistance, the required orientation of all elected City officials at the commencement of their terms.
(2) It shall, proactively and on an ongoing basis, educate the public and members of City government as to their rights, duties and obligations under the City Charter and Administrative Code.
B. Orientation of elected City officials.
(1) A basic orientation course shall provide comprehensive information on Home Rule Law, the City Charter, the City Administrative Code, and the City Ethics Code. Other topics to be included in the course are: the impact of the Pennsylvania Constitution and other pertinent legal statutes on City government; a review of the City budget, including all City employees' labor agreements; and Roberts Rules of Order. This course shall be directed and administered by the Board, with assistance from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, the State and County Bar Associations, the Ethics Board, and any other resources the Board deems appropriate.
(2) Any elected official who, in the determination of the Board, completes this course within four months of their initial full term will receive a bonus of $250.
(3) City Council shall provide sufficient funds to ensure a thorough and professional orientation.
C. Educating the public and members of City government.
(1) Educating the public and members of City government about their rights, duties and obligations promotes involvement and participation for more effective and efficient government. The Board, with the assistance of resources deemed appropriate by the Board, shall conduct these educational programs in various formats. Educational information can be disseminated in a variety of formats: public meetings, printed materials such as inserts in tax and water bills; handbooks; web site; community newsletter; interactive local television programming.
(2) Funds shall be made available to the Board for the ongoing educational program of the public and members of City government.