The Human Relations Commission shall have the power and it shall be its duty to:
A. Initiate, receive, investigate and seek the satisfactory adjustment of complaints charging unlawful practices, as set forth in this Part.
B. Issue subpoenas for persons and for documents which may be necessary to properly investigate a complaint of discrimination filed pursuant to this Part. Commissioners may not be subpoenaed to testify, nor may a Commissioner be deposed or otherwise interrogated with respect to any action taken on behalf of the Commission. In case of contumacy or refusal to obey a subpoena issued to any person, any court of jurisdiction, upon application by the Commission, may issue to such person an order requiring such person to appear before the Commission there to produce documentary evidence, if so ordered, or there to give evidence touching the matter in question, and any failure to obey such order of the court may be punished by said court as a contempt thereof. Any complaint filed under this subsection which the Commission believes may constitute a violation of a law of the United States of America or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania may be certified to the City Solicitor for such actions as he may deem proper. [Amended 6-25-2012 by Ord. No. 68-2012]
C. Hold public hearings, subpoena witnesses and compel their attendance, administer oaths, take the testimony of any person under oath, and in connection therewith require the production of evidence relating to any matter under investigation or any question before the Commission, make findings of fact, issue orders and publish such findings of fact and orders and do all other things necessary and proper for the enforcement of this Part.
D. In the performance of its duties, the Commission may cooperate with and, if appropriate, contact interested citizens, private agencies and agencies of the federal, state and local governments, and enter into such agreements as may be necessary to formalize such relationships.
E. Request staff, provided by the City to the Human Relations Commission, other departments, boards and commissions of the City government to assist in the performance of its duties, and such other departments, boards and commissions shall cooperate fully with the Commission; to appoint attorneys and hearing examiners and other employees and agents as it may deem necessary, fix their compensation within the limitations provided by law and prescribe their duties. [Amended 7-11-2011 by Ord. No. 31A-2011]
F. Hold investigative hearings upon request by Council in cases of racial tension and/or discrimination.
G. Assist in the enforcement of fair practices in City contracts.
H. Render, from time to time, a written report of its activities and recommendations to the Mayor and Council.
I. Adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes and provisions of this Part. Such rules and regulations shall be in writing and be made available to parties upon request.