[Added 3-22-2021 by Ord. No. 22-2021]
A. Upon the completion of all site improvements required by the approved final plan and subsequent improvements agreement, the applicant or any successor of interest to the applicant, shall supply the City of Reading with a complete set of as-built plans or improvement plans for the entire tract showing all lot lines as deeded and all surface and subsurface improvements as actually constructed for the development.
B. Unless otherwise permitted by the City of Reading, the as-built plans or improvement plans shall be prepared at the same scale as the approved final plan. The applicant or any successor of interest shall meet with the authorized representatives of the City of Reading to discuss the requirements for the as-built plan or improvement plan.
C. The as-built plans shall be made on plan sheets no smaller than twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches and no greater than thirty (30) inches by forty-two (42) inches. The plan sheets shall be scanned and provided to the City of Reading as a PDF or other acceptable electronic format.
D. The applicant or any successor of interest to the applicant shall submit the as-built plans or improvement plans to the City of Reading for review and consideration prior to the acceptance of any municipal improvements within the development. The as-built plan or improvement plan shall accurately depict all features and site improvements, including: street cartway, turning lanes and rights-of-way; curbs, sidewalks, crosswalks and handicapped ramps; driveways and curb cuts; street monuments and property markers; sanitary sewage disposal facilities; water supply facilities; public utilities; stormwater management facilities; erosion and sedimentation control facilities; street lights, traffic control signs, street signs and streetscape improvements; parks and recreation facilities; common open space; principal and accessory building; lot lines; street addresses; parking and loading areas; landscaping, street trees and buffer yards; easements and right-of-ways; and other additional information required by the City of Reading.
E. The City of Reading shall review the as-built plans to determine if they are complete and acceptable. Upon determining that the as-built plans are acceptable, the applicant or developer shall provide the City of Reading with three (3) paper copies and a PDF or other electronic format that is acceptable to the City of Reading.