[Added 3-22-2021 by Ord. No. 22-2021]
A. If required by the Planning Commission, the applicant shall prepare and submit the following relevant reports with the preliminary or final plan application:
(1) Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
(2) Community and Fiscal Impact Assessment Report.
(3) Traffic Impact Assessment Report.
(4) Parking and Loading Impact Assessment Report.
(5) Park and Recreation Impact Assessment Report.
B. The required impact studies that are relevant to the plan application shall document the existing conditions and the proposed impacts that should be considered as a result of the development being built or implemented over a 5-year implementation period. The report shall include recommendations and conclusions on how impacts and implications associated with the development shall be overcome.
C. If required by the Planning Commission, the applicant or developer shall meet with local or regional agencies in order to assess: zoning and land use; historic and cultural resources; environmental features, ecological habitats; community facilities, emergency management services; utilities; flooding; stormwater management; pedestrian circulation; public transportation; parking and loading; and transportation. If appropriate, the plan should address the community development objectives within the City of Reading.
D. The applicant may offer a financial contribution in order to offset community related impacts or improvement costs that are relative to a neighborhood, municipal or regional project. All such contributions shall be made to implement the action plans for community planning and development that have been adopted by the City of Reading. The validity of the contributions shall be reviewed by the legal staff or consultants representing the City of Reading.