In the event that the disabled person experiences a material improvement in his or her physical condition (as supported by documentation from his/her treating physician) to the extent that the disabled person would no longer qualify under the criteria set forth this Part, the disabled person shall immediately notify the Zoning Administrator of such change in condition within 15 days of notice from the treating physician to the disabled person. Upon receipt of such notice, the Zoning Administrator shall cause the removal of any painted blue curb and the handicap-parking-only sign from the location.
Upon the death of a disabled person, the personal representative of the disabled person shall immediately notify the Zoning Administrator of such change in condition within 15 days of notice of such event. Upon receipt of such notice, the Zoning Administrator shall cause the removal of any painted blue curb and the handicap-parking-only sign from the location.
In the event that the disabled person would no longer reside at the address of the location of an approved handicap parking space for a period of more than 30 consecutive days for whatever reason, the disabled person shall immediately notify the Zoning Administrator of such change in condition within 15 days of moving from said residence.