[Amended 7-11-2022 by Ord. No. 63-2022]
A. Parks are open 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. prevailing time from October 1 through April 30 and 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. prevailing time from May 1 through September 30, except with a permit. During hours the park area is closed, law enforcement authorities described herein shall have the ability to clear the area of all parties and property.
B. This shall not apply to City personnel engaged in the performance of their duties or to those having a permit or authorization from the Public Works Director, or his designee, Police Department, Pagoda Foundation or the Reading Recreation Commission to conduct activities during closed hours.
[Amended 12-27-2021 by Ord. 97-2021; 7-11-2022 by Ord. No. 63- 2022; 3-13-2023 by Ord. No. 29-2023]
No person shall do any of the acts hereinafter described within the limits of any City parks, playgrounds, preserves and public spaces:
A. General uses and activities. Prohibitions.
(1) Disfigure, disturb, injure, tamper with, move or remove any flower, fruit, plant, tree, shrub, bench, apparatus, public sign, notice, bridge, table, fireplace, railing, paving or paving materials, monument, sculpture, stake, post, or other boundary marker, or other property whatsoever.
(2) Move or remove any wood, turf, grass, soil, rock, sand or gravel in any way to injure the natural beauty of the area.
(3) Climb, stand, roller skate, roller blade, skateboard or sit upon monuments, sculptures, vases, planters, fountains, railings, fences or upon any other property not designated or customarily used for such purposes.
(4) Hunt for, shoot at, chase, catch or kill, or attempt to shoot at, chase, catch or kill, with or without dogs, any bird or animal except at Lake Ontelaunee where the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Game Commission has been authorized to control game propagation and hunting, except that no hunting shall be allowed within 1,000 feet of any picnic area; nor shall one remove or have in one's possession the young of any wild animal, the eggs or nest, or young wild creature.
(5) Release any waterfowl, bird, animal, or fish in any City park, playground, preserve or public space.
(6) Throw stones or projectiles to injure any public property or to injure the natural beauty of the park.
(7) Dump or discard any refuse including yard waste, other waste materials or litter of any kind, junk, dead animal or offensive matter of any kind except in the containers provided by the City for the deposit of such items. Where receptacles are not provided, all such rubbish or waste shall be carried away from the park, preserve or playground by the person responsible for its presence, and properly disposed of elsewhere.
(8) Post or erect any bills, notices or advertising matter of any kind without a permit.
(9) Sell or offer for sale any merchandise, food, article or thing whatsoever, without a permit.
(10) Violate any posted rules for, or to misuse, any park, preserve, picnic area, court, playfield, swimming pool or other recreational area, and public spaces.
(11) Engage in camping, archery, golfing, or horseback riding. Camping includes overnight stays in a tent or recreational vehicle. Horseback riding is allowed in parts of the Mt. Penn Preserve area.
(12) Have any ceremony or any musical, theatrical or other entertainment event without a permit. Any device used to broadcast music or sound without the required permit and within the period of time specified may be seized, in accordance with § 396-312 and may be subject to forfeit by the responding law enforcement authorities for violating this chapter, and any vehicle involved therewith may be subject to removal or impoundment as per Chapter 576 Part 8 Immobilization and Impoundment.
(13) Engage in any unlawful gaming or have possession of any instrument or device for gambling without a permit.
(14) Bring food trucks or carts or ice cream trucks or carts into a park without valid Health and Business licenses and a permit.
(15) Consume, drink or have possession or custody of any alcoholic beverages including malt or brewed beverages or vinous or spirituous liquors except where a valid Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board license is displayed.
(16) Solicit contributions for any purpose, whether public or private, except with a permit.
(17) Play, engage, or take part in any game or competitive sport for money or other valuable thing.
(18) Engage in any disorderly conduct or behavior tending to breach the public peace. Any device or equipment used to broadcast sound or music without the required permit and/or breach the public peace may be seized in accordance with § 396-312 and may be subject to forfeit by the responding law enforcement authorities for violating this chapter.
(19) Discharge firearms, paintball guns, air or spring rifles or slings.
(20) Set off any fireworks without a permit. Permits for the use of fireworks must be obtained from the Fire Marshal or his designee. Permits will ensure that fireworks are properly conducted and supervised in designated areas.
(21) Operate a licensed or unlicensed motor vehicle of any type, including motor bikes, mopeds, motorcycles, ATVs and snowmobiles.
(22) Stand or park any vehicle, except at designated locations.
B. Control of pets. Pets must be on a leash which is no longer than six (6) feet and must be under the control of the owner or temporary custodian thereof. All City health codes including Reading Code of Ordinances Chapter 141 Animals and Chapter 288 Health & Safety, Part 1 Health Code, Section 288-111 Animal Maintenance governing animal maintenance shall apply including cleaning up and removing all waste.
C. Use of fire.
(1) Fires are permitted only in a City owned non-portable fireplace or picnic stove or in a privately owned stove or similar device designed specifically for the cooking of food. Fire is prohibited in the Lake Ontelaunee watershed area.
(2) All smoking materials must be disposed of properly.
(3) Bonfires or any form of open burning are prohibited without a Special Events Permit.
(4) All fires shall be continuously under the care and direction of the user beginning with the time it is kindled until it is extinguished. Embers must be disposed of properly.
A. Ice fishing is prohibited at Lake Ontelaunee.
B. Only persons having attained 16 years of age may fish at Bernhart's Reservoir.
C. Fishing in or upon the entire premises known as Egelman's Park is prohibited.
D. Using a boat upon any body of water owned or controlled by the City is prohibited.
E. Boats may not be launched onto the Schuylkill River or Tulpehocken Creek from the banks of the City-owned or controlled riverfront unless such boat or craft can be hand-carried over City-owned or controlled property.
F. Swimming, bathing, wading or floating at any place except in a public swimming or wading pool is prohibited.
G. Ice skating is prohibited.