A. Sidewalks shall be provided adjacent to public streets and from any adjacent arterial street to a pedestrian entrance of the use. At least one ADA-accessible pedestrian path shall be provided from a main pedestrian entrance through the main on-site parking area. This pedestrian path shall be demarcated by pavement markings or differing colors or materials and be separated from adjacent parking spaces by curbing, curb stops or similar barriers.
B. Pedestrian sidewalks shall be provided in front of and along all public pedestrian entrances to business buildings and all bus unloading locations. Pedestrian routes and customer and employee parking areas shall be sufficiently illuminated for safety and security. Pedestrian routes and sidewalks shall be a minimum of five feet in width. Crosswalks shall be well marked and be ADA-accessible.
28. Editor's Note: Added during codification (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Part 2).