A. All private driveways shall have clear sight triangles as determined in § 515-502F(7) of Chapter 515, Subdivision and Land Development.
B. Driveways in residential districts and/or for residential uses shall not be less than 40 feet from any street intersection, measured from the point of intersection of the respective curblines, nor less than 15 feet from any intersection of a street and an alley.
(1) Residential driveways shall not be less than eight feet or more than 14 feet in width, unless specifically approved otherwise by the City or PennDOT.
(2) Commercial driveways for two-way traffic shall be 20 feet in width, unless specifically approved otherwise by the City or PennDOT.
C. Driveways in commercial or manufacturing districts (other than for residential uses) shall be no closer than 50 feet to the nearest curbline intersection of two streets.
(1) Driveways in commercial or manufacturing zones shall not be less than 20 feet nor more than 36 feet in width at the curbline, unless specifically approved otherwise by the City or PennDOT.
(2) Driveways for two-way traffic shall have a minimum width of 20 feet, unless specifically approved otherwise by the City or PennDOT.
D. Section 600-1502E shall apply.