A. The Planning Commission or its representative may require a subdivider to submit a separate landscape plan showing the number, location, size and species of all shrubbery that shall be planted on the lot with the preliminary or final plan. Where such shrubbery is deemed insufficient, the Planning Commission may require that additional landscaping be added.
B. Protective screen planting or fences shall be placed by the developer at locations as required by the Planning Commission or its representatives.
C. Shade trees along the street line shall be planted by the developer in such number and manner as shall be deemed necessary by the Planning Commission. Such shade tree planting shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 555, Part 1, Shade Trees.
D. The following list of trees may be utilized to meet the standards and specifications for landscaping, shade trees and buffer yards based upon the existing physical and natural conditions of the site. The City of Reading Arborist and/or other professional consultants designated by the City of Reading should be consulted during the plan review process, as not all trees on the list of approved species, as referenced below, are appropriate for all areas within the City of Reading:
(1) Tentative trees species shall be indicated on the preliminary plan and shall be of a species approved by the City of Reading Arborist and Planning Commission. In particular, approved shade trees include the following:
Acer tataricum - Tatarian Maple
Amelanchier x grandifolia - Serviceberry
Carpinus betulus Emerald Avenue - Emerald Ave European Hornbeam
Carpinus betulus Fastigiata - Columnar Hornbeam
Carpinus caroliniana - American Hornbeam
Cercis Canadensis - Eastern Redbud
Cladrastis lutea - Yellowwood
Cornus mas Golden Glory - Cornelian Cherry
Crataegus laevigata Crimson Cloud - English Hawthorn
Crataegus viridts Winter King - Green Hawthorn
Ginkgo biloba Autumn Gold - Male Maidenhair Tree
Ginkgo biloba Princeton Sentry - Columnar Maidenhair Tree
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis Imperial - Honeylocust
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis Shademaster - Honeylocust
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis Skyline - Honeylocust
Metasequoia glyptostroboides - Dawn Redwood
Nyssa sylvatica - Blackgum
Ostrya virginiana - Hop Hornbeam
Parrotia persica - Persian Parrotia
Platanus x acerifolia Bloodgood - Planetree
Platanus x acerifolia Exclamation - Planetree
Primus serrulata Kwanzan - Kwanzan Japanese Cherry
Prunus subhirtella Autumnalis - Autumn Flowering Cherry
Prunus x Okame - Okame Japanese Cherry
Prunus x Snow Goose - Snow Goose Japanese Cherry
Prunus x yedoensis Yoshino - Yoshino Japanese Cherry
Quercus imbricaria - Shingle Oak
Quercus x Kindred Spirit - Columnar Oak
Quercus x Regal Prince - Columnar Oak
Styrax japonica - Japanese Snowbell
Syringa reticulata Ivory Silk - Japanese Tree Lilac
Tilia cordata Greenspire - Littleleaf Linden
Tilia tomentosa Sterling Silver ~ Silver Linden
Ulmus americana Princeton - American Elm
Ulmus parvifolia Alice - Lacebark Elm
Zelkova serrata Green Vase - Japanese Zelkova
Zelkova serrata Musashino - Columnar Zelkova
(2) In addition to the list of approved shade trees, the following trees are recommended for planting in suburban or open areas within the City of Reading:
Acer rubrum Armstrong - Columnar Red Maple
Acer rubrum Armstong Gold Columnar Red Maple
Aesculus x carnea Fort McNair - Red Flowering Horsechestnut
Celtis occidentalis - Hackberry
Cercidiphyllum japonicum - Katsura
Cornus x Rutgers Celestial - White Dogwood
Cornus x Rutgers Hyperion - White Dogwood
Cornus x Rutgers Stellar Pink - Pink Dogwood
Fagus sylvatica Fastigiata - Columnar European Beech
Fagus sylvatica Dawyck Purple - Columnar Purple European Beech
Fagus sylvatica Red Obelisk - Columnar Purple European Beech
Halesia Carolina - Carolina Silverbell
Koelreuteria paniculata - Golden Raintree
Liquidambar styraciflua Cherokee (seedless) - Sweetgum
Liquidambar styraciflua Happidaze (seedless) - Sweetgum
Liquidambar styraciflua Slender Silhouette - Columnar Sweetgum
Liriodendron tulipifera Arnold - Columnar Tulip Poplar
Malus Donald Wyman - White Crabapple
Malus Prairifire - Red Crabapple
Malus Royal Raindrops - Pink Crabapple
Malus Sugar Tyme - White Crabapple
Prunus virginiana Canada Red - Chokecherry
Quercus alba - White Oak
Quercus bicolor - Swamp White Oak
Quercus macrocarpa - Bur Oak
Quercus rubra Northern - Red Oak
Taxodium distichum - Bald Cypress
Tilia americana Redmond - American Linden
E. Landscaping, shade trees and/or buffer yards shall be considered on a property or development site provided that: the selected species do not create an adverse impact within a street or utility right-of-way; the selected species do not create an adverse impact with stormwater management facilities, sanitary sewage disposal facilities or water supply facilities; the selected species do not create an adverse impact on the existing trees or woodlands on the property; the selected species are considered necessary to provide a landscaping screen or buffer yard; the selected species are required to mitigate any adverse noise or lighting impacts; the selected species are required to comply with the land use and zoning requirements established by the City of Reading; and/or the Planning Commission determines that landscaping, shade trees or buffer yards are necessary.
[Amended 3-22-2021 by Ord. No. 22-2021]