A. The length, width and shape of blocks shall be determined with due regard to:
(1) The provision of adequate sites for buildings of the type proposed.
(2) Zoning requirements.
(3) Topography.
(4) Requirements for safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including the reduction of intersections with major streets.
B. Size. Block length and width or acreage within bounding roads shall be such as to accommodate the size of lot required in the area by Chapter 600, Zoning, and to provide for convenient access, circulation control and the safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement. Each block shall have at least one fire hydrant and as many more as necessary to ensure adequate fire protection.
C. Crosswalks.
(1) Crosswalks may be required wherever necessary to facilitate pedestrian circulation and to give access to community facilities, as well as in blocks of over 1,000 feet in length.
(2) Such crosswalks shall have a minimum width of 10 feet and a paved walk with a width of not less than six feet.
D. Sidewalk slope.
(1) Sidewalk slope between curb and building line shall be 0.03 feet per foot.
(2) Where curb grades at intersections meet, sidewalk slope may vary between a minimum of 0.005 foot per foot and a maximum slope of 0.06 foot per foot. Change in slope between the curbline and the regular slope of 0.03 foot per foot shall be accomplished in a distance equal to three times the sidewalk area with curbline to building line.
E. Commercial and industrial blocks.
(1) For commercial use, group housing or industrial use, the block size shall be sufficient in the judgment of the Planning Commission or Planning Director to meet all area and yard requirements for such use.
(2) Adequate service areas shall be provided within the block to facilitate the flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic so as not to inhibit the flow of such traffic on public rights-of-way.