A. The standards and requirements contained in this Part 5 and in Part 6 are intended as the minimum for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare, and shall be applied as such by the Planning Commission in reviewing all subdivision plans.
B. Whenever other City ordinances or regulations impose more restrictive standards and requirements than those contained herein, such other regulations shall be observed.
C. Land subject to hazards to life, health or property, such as may arise from fire, floods, disease or other causes, shall not be subdivided for building purposes unless such hazards have been eliminated or unless the subdivision plan shall show adequate safeguards against them which shall be approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies.
(1) Where not prohibited by this or any other laws or ordinances, land located in flood- prone area(s) may be platted for development with the provision that the developer construct all buildings and structures to preclude flood damage in accordance with this and any other laws and ordinances regulating such development.
(2) Building sites for residences or any other type of dwelling or accommodation shall not be permitted in any floodway area. Sites for these uses may be permitted outside the floodway area if the sites or dwelling units are elevated to a height at least one foot above the elevation of the one-hundred-year flood. If fill is used to raise the elevation of a site, the fill area shall extend out laterally for a distance of at least 15 feet beyond the limits of the proposed structures.
(3) Building sites for structures or buildings other than for residential uses shall also not be permitted in any floodway area. Also, such sites for structures or buildings outside the floodway shall be protected as provided for in Subsection C(2) hereof. However, Council may allow the subdivision and/or development of areas or sites for commercial and industrial uses at an elevation less than one foot above the one- hundred-year flood elevation if the developer otherwise protects the area to that height or assures that the buildings or structures will be floodproofed at least up to that height.
(4) If the Planning Commission determines that only a part of a proposed plat can be safely developed, it shall limit development to that part and shall require that development proceed consistent with this determination.
(5) When a developer does not intend to develop the plat himself and the Planning Commission determines that additional controls are required to ensure safe development, it may require the developer to impose appropriate deed restrictions on the land. Such deed restrictions shall be inserted in every deed and noted on every recorded plat.
D. Subdivision plans shall give due recognition to the Comprehensive Plans and Official Maps of the City and of the County or to such parts thereof as may have been adopted pursuant to statute.
E. Land proposed for subdivision shall not be developed or changed by grading, excavating or by the removal or destruction of the natural topsoil, trees or other vegetative cover unless adequate provisions for minimizing erosion and sediment are provided as required under Title 25, Pennsylvania Code, Chapter 102, Rules and Regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and §§ 515-508D and 515-602K. [Amended 5-29-2001 by Ord. No. 14-200112]
F. All elevations shall be based on City datum.
12. Editor's Note: Amended during codification (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Part 2).