For the purpose of this Part, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
ELECTION — Any regularly scheduled primary or general election, or any special election authorized by the Election Board of the County of Berks.
POLITICAL SIGN — Any temporary sign which publicizes the candidacy or promotes the election of any contestant for elected public office, or which advocates a particular position on any referendum appearing on an election ballot.
SIGN — Any surface, fabric or device bearing lettered, pictorial or sculptured matter designed to convey information visually and exposed to public view; or any structure including bill board or poster panel designed to carry the above visual information.
SPECIAL EVENT SIGN — Any temporary sign announcing an upcoming event, whatsoever in nature. This does not include yard or garage sale signs.
A. For a political sign, the contestant for elected public office whose candidacy is advertised on the sign or, if applicable, the committee or organization promoting the election of said contestant; or the individual, group, organization or other entity listed on the sign as advocating the advertised position on a referendum.
B. For a special event sign, the individual, organization, corporation, government body, or other entity listed on the sign as the producer, promoter, or offeror of the event advertised.
C. For a yard or garage sale sign, the individual, family, or other entity residing at the address listed on the sign.
STREET LIGHT STANDARD — Any pole or standard to which is attached a device used for illuminating a street, sidewalk, or other portion of any public right-of-way.
TEMPORARY SIGN — A sign, poster, placard, or other advertising device pertaining to an event at a fixed and limited time or duration and intended for a limited period of display.
UTILITY POLE — Any pole or standard owned, maintained, serviced, or in any other way utilized by any regulated public utility, and located within the corporate limits of the City of Reading.
YARD OR GARAGE SALE SIGN — Any temporary sign announcing an upcoming public sale of items taking place at a private residence. This shall include, but not be limited to, yard sales, garage sales, and porch sales.