A. Septage permitting system. Licensed septage and holding tank haulers shall obtain a valid permit from the City and comply with all the conditions of this permit and this Part. The septage hauler permit shall be valid for one year with renewal January 1 of each fiscal year. The permit may be suspended or revoked according to the policies outlined in § 467-205F of this Part. Haulers shall apply for this permit on forms provided by the City and shall submit, together with the permit fee, an application containing the following information:
(1) Name, company name, address, telephone number.
(2) Vehicle identification, make, and capacity.
(3) Copy of septage hauler's license.
(4) Any additional information requested by the City.
(5) Signed and notarized statement certifying that the information presented in the application is correct.
(6) Performance bond.
B. Septage/waste disposal.
(1) Septic tank and holding tank waste may be introduced into the POTW only at locations designated by the City, and at such times as are established by the City. Such waste shall not violate § 467-202 of this Part or any other requirements established by the City. Septic tank waste haulers will be required to obtain a hauler's permit and may be required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit.
(2) The City shall require haulers of industrial waste to obtain wastewater discharge permits. The City may require generators of hauled industrial waste to obtain wastewater discharge permits. The City also may prohibit the disposal of hauled industrial waste. The discharge of hauled industrial waste is subject to all other requirements of this Part. Gallonage and hours for delivery of waste may be reduced, extended, increased, or otherwise changed or altered by and at the discretion of the City. City personnel may require that the load be dumped over a period of a 1/2 hour or more, depending upon the flow and characteristics of the incoming sewage at the City's treatment plant.
(3) Industrial waste haulers may discharge loads only at locations designated by the City. No load may be discharged without prior consent of the City. The City may collect samples of each hauled load to ensure compliance with applicable standards. The City may require the industrial waste hauler to provide a waste analysis of any load prior to discharge.
(4) Industrial waste haulers must provide a waste-tracking form for every load. This form shall include, at a minimum, the name and address of the industrial waste hauler, permit number, truck identification, names and addresses of sources of waste, and volume and characteristics of waste. The form shall identify the type of industry, known or suspected waste constituents, and whether any wastes are RCRA hazardous wastes. The City reserves the right to prohibit the discharge of hauled industrial waste.
(5) Each waste hauler shall furnish the following items to the City personnel upon arrival at the septage receiving facility:
(a) Load manifest form (provided by the City) which states the hauling company, hauler name, vehicle license number, quantity and source (owner and address) of the septage, probable content of the septage, and a certification statement signed by the hauler and generator, attesting to the accuracy of the information provided on the load manifest form.
(b) Previously purchased load ticket(s) corresponding to the capacity of the truck.
(c) Grab samples of the septage taken by the waste hauler under supervision by the City. The City reserves the right to refuse to accept any load that is suspected of being or has been determined through sampling and analysis to be detrimental to the operations of the plant, the safety of its workers, or to the health or welfare of the public.
(6) The hauler shall keep a copy of his/her official permit in the truck, and display the City issued permit sticker on the windshield.
(7) The hauler shall display his tank capacity on the truck.
C. Septage prohibitions.
(1) Septage haulers shall not discharge specifically prohibited waters, wastewaters, or substances to the City facilities in accordance with § 467-202 of this Part.
(2) No grease trap wastes may be discharged.
D. Septage records. Vehicles shall be maintained and records shall be kept in accordance with state law.
E. Compliance required. No statement contained in this section shall exempt the hauler from complying with all federal, state or local requirements.