[Added 1-27-1971 by Ord. No. 4-1971; amended 12-31-1975 by Ord. No. 50-1975]
A. Where commercial and industrial properties using City water do not discharge all or part of such water into the City sewage disposal system, the amount of such water may be excluded in determining the sewage service rental, providing the minimum sewage service rental is not reduced thereby. To determine the amount of such exclusion, the consumer shall, at his own expense, install a meter or measuring device satisfactory to the City, provided that if, in the opinion of the City, it is not feasible to install a meter or measuring device, some other satisfactory method of measuring may be designated by the City.
B. For commercial and industrial properties which use other than City supplied water, the rental for sewage disposal service shall be based upon the quantity of water discharged into the sewer system. A meter or other measuring device satisfactory to the City shall be installed by the consumer, at his own expense, and the charge for such service shall be comparable to that charged for sewage disposal service for City water having a meter of equal size.
C. A penalty of 10% shall be added to bills not paid within 30 days from the presentation thereof. Sixty days after receipt, all unpaid bills, exempting cases where a repayment schedule has been approved by the City, will be subject to civil and/or criminal action(s) with all applicable charges and fees incurred by the City being applied to the debt. [Amended 8-26-2013 by Ord. No. 35-2013]