A. Rain barrels may be ready-made or self-fabricated of durable fiberglass, polypropylene, resin, recycled steel or wood.
B. Wooden rain barrels must be lined.
C. Recycled rain barrels may not have been previously used as containment vessels for substances regulated by the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. § 2601 et seq.
D. All interior surfaces of a recycled rain barrel must be washed clean with soap and water before the rain barrel is put into service.
E. Every rain barrel must be equipped with an automatic stormwater diverter or automatic overflow system so that when the rain barrel is full, rainwater is either diverted back into the collecting structure's downspout system, or away from the foundation of the collecting structure by way of an overflow hose and into a drainage swale. No drainage from an overflow hose shall discharge upon any neighboring property.
F. Overflow piping must be at least one inch in diameter. [Amended 11-12-2013 by Ord. No. 58-2013]
G. Rain barrels must be equipped with a mosquito-proof screen on the lid and over the flow hole, constructed of corrosion-resistant wire or other approved mesh.
H. Lids on rain barrels must be securely fastened to prevent access by small children and animals.
I. Rain barrels fabricated from fiberglass, polypropylene and resin must be opaque in color to inhibit algae growth.
J. The exterior of a rain barrel shall not be painted or decorated in such a manner that is inconsistent with the surrounding area or offensive to the general senses of neighboring properties and neighboring property owners.
K. Where not inconsistent with the standards set forth herein, rain barrels shall otherwise conform to the standards for rain barrel design, construction and operation set forth in the guidance document Rainwater Catchment Design and Installation Standards, published on January 20, 2009, by the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association and the American Society of Plumbing Engineers.