A. Applicants shall consult with the Preservation Officer early in the planning process for guidance in the preparation of a complete and acceptable application for a certificate of appropriateness.
B. The Preservation Officer, the Reading Board of Historical Architectural Review, and City Council shall be guided by the United States Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings, by Chapter 180, Construction Codes, and by any policies and/or guidelines hereafter adopted by the Board or the City of Reading. The City shall have copies of these documents available for public viewing. [Amended 8-26-2013 by Ord. No. 35-2013]
C. The Preservation Officer shall review the application, ascertain its completeness and determine the necessity of submission to the Reading Board of Historical Architectural Review. An incomplete application and submission shall not be accepted by the Preservation Officer and shall be returned to the applicant with a written request for additional information.