§ 33.89  SANCTIONS.
   (A)   If the City Council determines that a violation of this subchapter has occurred, it shall proceed directly to determination of the appropriate sanction(s). The City Council may receive additional testimony or statements before considering sanctions, but is not required to do so. if the city official named in the complaint acted in reliance upon a public written opinion of the City Attorney, the City Council shall consider that fact.
   (B)   If the City Council determines that a violation has occurred, it may impose the following sanctions:
      (1)   A letter of notification shall be the appropriate sanction when the violation is clearly unintentional, or when the official's conduct complained of was made in reliance on a public written opinion of the City Attorney. A letter of notification shall advise the official or employee to whom it is directed of any steps to be taken to avoid future violations. The City Council may direct a letter of notification to any official or employee covered by this subchapter.
      (2)   A letter of admonition shall be the appropriate sanction in those cases in which the City Council finds that the violation is minor and/or may have been unintentional, but calls for a more substantial response than a letter of notification. The City Council may admonish any official covered by this subchapter.
      (3)   A reprimand shall be the appropriate sanction when the City Council finds that a violation has been committed intentionally or through disregard of this subchapter. The City Council may reprimand any official covered by this subchapter.
      (4)   A letter of censure shall be the appropriate sanction when the City Council finds that a serious or repeated violation(s) of this subchapter has been committed intentionally or through culpable disregard of this subchapter by an elected city official. A letter of censure directed to an elected city official shall be transmitted to the City Clerk, and published in a newspaper of general circulation within the city.
(Ord. 2006-O-018, passed 5-8-06)