(A)   In the performance of his role as chief administrative officer of the city, the City Administrator shall have the following duties, responsibilities and powers:
      (1)   The City Administrator shall take charge of and direct the operations of all city departments.
      (2)   The City Administrator shall recommend to the Mayor and Council the appointment and dismissal of all Department Heads and other employees over which the City Administrator exercises supervisory responsibility. Appointment or dismissal of Department Heads will be made upon the recommendation of the Mayor and confirmation by the Council. In the absence of the Mayor, the City Administrator may suspend an employee with or without pay, should the City Administrator determine that any city employee is guilty of gross misconduct or wanton dereliction of duty, until such time as the Mayor returns, or otherwise exercises jurisdiction over such employee.
      (3)   The City Administrator shall recommend to the Mayor and Council any changes the City Administrator deems appropriate in the employee manual.
      (4)   The City Administrator shall insure the enforcement of all laws and ordinances, including zoning ordinances and subdivision regulations within the city and within its extraterritorial jurisdiction insofar as their enforcement is within the power of the city and consistent with policy of the Mayor and City Council. The City Administrator shall have supervision of the Police Department. Except for purposes of inquiry, the City Administrator shall deal with the members of the Police Department through the Chief of Police, except at such times as the Chief is unavailable.
      (5)   The City Administrator shall serve as the City Zoning Administrator in order to interpret zoning laws and subdivision regulations.
      (6)   The City Administrator shall serve as the City Planning Director and shall advise both the City Planning Commission and the City Council in matters pertaining to the planning of the city and shall attend all meetings of the Planning Commission.
      (7)   The City Administrator shall prepare and submit to the Mayor and Council the annual budget together with recommendations and comments. The City Administrator shall be responsible for the execution and administration of the adopted budget. The City Administrator shall supervise the maintenance and custody of all accounts and records of the city and shall provide the Mayor and Council with a report of the financial condition of the city at such times as the Mayor and City Council may require. The City Administrator shall oversee the preparation and submission to the Mayor and Council, as of the end of the fiscal year, a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the municipality for the preceding year.
      (8)   The City Administrator shall be responsible for the care and maintenance of all city property, and shall exercise general supervision over all public buildings, streets and other public property which are under the control and jurisdiction of the Mayor and Council. The City Administrator shall keep on file a current inventory of all property, real and personal, owned by the municipality, and shall make recommendations regarding appropriate insurance coverage for the municipality.
      (9)   The City Administrator shall attend all meetings of the Council and advise on any matter concerning municipal affairs under the City Administrator’s supervision or direction. The City Administrator shall also attend such other meetings of the municipal departments, boards, and officials as may be required to fulfill the City Administrator's responsibilities.
      (10)   The City Administrator shall supervise the performance of contracts and agreements to which the city is a part.
      (11)   The City Administrator shall serve as purchasing agent of the city, and no purchase will be made without the City Administrator's approval. In no case will the City Administrator make or approve any such purchase unless the funds for same have been duly appropriated by the Mayor and Council, and as to those purchases where the amount involved exceeds $2,000 dollars, the City Administrator shall first obtain the approval of the Mayor and Council.
      (12)   The City Administrator shall analyze all functions, duties and activities of the various departments, divisions and services of the municipal government and of all employees thereof, and make recommendations regarding the same to the Mayor and Council.
      (13)   The City Administrator shall carry out the Mayor's and/or Council's recommendations in coordinating the administrative functions and operations of the various departments.
      (14)   The City Administrator shall procure facts, make investigations and submit long-range improvement recommendations to the Mayor and Council.
      (15)   The City Administrator shall advise the Mayor and Council on grants that may be available to aid the city, and aid in the preparation of applications for those grants if approved by the Mayor and Council.
      (16)   The City Administrator shall recommend to the Mayor and Council such measures as the City Administrator may deem necessary or expedient for the good government and welfare of the city.
      (17)   The City Administrator shall perform such other duties as the Mayor and Council may from time to time assign.
   (B)   The City Administrator shall take no part in any election held for the purpose of electing the Mayor, members of the City Council or other elective municipal office of the City of Ravenna, except for the casting of the City Administrator's individual ballot. The City Administrator shall be an officer of the city within the meaning of Neb. RS 17-107, and shall be subject to and bound by the prohibitions therein contained. Before taking office, the City Administrator shall file with the City Clerk a bond in favor of the city for the faithful performance of the City Administrator's duties in the amount of $25,000. The premium of said bond shall be paid by the city.
   (C)   The city may contract in writing with the City Administrator to occupy such position and to assume such duties in writing, upon such terms and conditions as the Council may approve.
   (D)   In the event the City Administrator serves pursuant to a written contract, the City Administrator’s removal shall be governed by said writing. In the event the City Administrator is serving by appointment and without a written contract, the City Administrator may be removed at any time by the Mayor.
(Ord. 2005-O-001, passed 3-21-05)