(A)   Streets. The arrangements, character, extent, width, grade and location of all streets shall conform to the comprehensive development plan and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to topographical conditions, to public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets.
   (B)   Street extension. The street layout of the proposed subdivision shall provide for the continuation of appropriate projection of streets and alleys already existing in areas being subdivided. Where, at the determination of the City Council, it is desirable to provide street access to adjoining properties, proposed streets shall be extended by dedication to the boundaries of such properties. Where the City Council deems it necessary, such dead end streets shall be provided with a temporary turnaround having a radius of at least 50  feet. The street system for the proposed subdivision shall provide for extending existing streets at the same or greater width, but in no case shall a street extension be of less width than the minimum width required in these regulations for a street in its category.
   (C)   Dedication of right-of-way for new streets. The dedication of right-of-way for new streets measured from lot line to lot line shall be as shown on the comprehensive development plan. All streets classified as arterial streets by the comprehensive development plan shall have all points of access approved by the City Council. Marginal access streets may be required by the City Council for subdivisions fronting on arterial streets.
   (D)   Dedication of right-of-way for existing streets. Subdivisions platted along existing streets shall dedicate additional right-of-way if necessary to meet the minimum street width requirements set forth in this chapter. The entire minimum right-of-way width shall be dedicated where the subdivision is on both sides of an existing street. When the subdivision is located on only one side of an existing street, one-half of the required right-of-way width, measured from the center line of the existing roadway, shall be dedicated.
   (E)   Intersections. Streets shall intersect as nearly as possible at an angle of 90 degrees. Street curb intersections shall be rounded by radii of at least 20 feet. When the smallest angle of street intersection is less than 75 degrees, the City Council may require curb radii of greater length. Wherever necessary to permit the construction of a curb having a desirable radius without reducing the sidewalk at a street corner to less than normal width, the property line at such street corner shall be rounded or otherwise set back sufficiently to permit such curb construction. No lot or other parcel of land which abuts on and has access to either a collector or a minor street shall have a service drive, curb cut, or other means of access to an arterial street within 150 feet of the right-of-way of any street which intersects such arterial street on the side on which such lot or parcel is located.
   (F)   Widths, grades and sight distance requirements.
      (1)   Right-of-way widths, pavements widths, grades and sight distance requirements shall be as follows:
Arterial street**
*100 feet
48 feet
350 feet
Marginal access streets (frontage)
40 feet
30 feet
250 feet
Collector streets
*66 feet
36 feet
250 feet
Local streets
60 feet
36 feet
10% av.
150 feet
20 feet
12 feet residential
20 feet commercial
No max.
No max.
Cul-de-sac streets
50 foot radius (no fire hydrant); 55 foot radius (fire hydrant at center)
36 foot width and
45 foot radius
10% av.
150 feet
*   Streets in these classifications shall be designed and graded to the full right-of-way widths stated.
**   Determined by state standards.
      (2)   The horizontal alignment on all street except in unusual cases as determined by the vity Planning Commission shall as follows:
Arterial streets
400 foot minimum
Collector streets
300 foot minimum
Local streets
200 foot minimum
   (G)   Marginal access streets (frontage).
      (1)   Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed arterial street, the city may require access streets, reverse frontage with screen planting contained in a non-access reservation along the rear property line, deep lots with rear service alleys, or such other treatment as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential properties and to afford separation of through arid local traffic.
      (2)   Where the proposed subdivision abuts upon or contains an existing or proposed arterial street or highway or which traffic volumes and vehicular speeds warrant special safety considerations, the city may require that marginal access streets be provided in order that no lots front on such existing or proposed arterial street or highway.
      (3)   Where a subdivision borders on or contains a railway right-of-way or limited access highway right-of-way, the city may require a street approximately parallel to and on each side of such right-of-way, at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of the intervening land, as for park purposes in residential districts. Such distances shall also be determined with due regard for the requirements of approach grades and future grade separations.
   (H)   Street jogs. Street jogs with center line offsets of less than 150 feet shall be prohibited. Cul-de-sacs, minor terminal or dead-end streets or courts which are designed so as to have one end permanently closed shall not be longer than 600 feet and shall be provided at the closed end with a turnaround having a radius at the outside of the right-of-way of at least 50 feet.
   (I)   Street names. Proposed streets which are in alignment with other already existing and named streets shall bear the names of such existing streets. The name of a proposed street which is not in alignment with an existing street shall not duplicate the name of any existing street, irrespective of the use of the suffix street, avenue, boulevard, drive, place, court, lane, road, pike, highway, parkway or similar suffix. Whenever a street alignment changes direction more than 45 degrees without a return to the original alignment within a distance of 500 feet, then the name of the street shall be changed at the point of curvature. Whenever a cul-de-sac street serves not more than three lots, the name of the intersecting street shall apply to the cul-de-sac. To avoid duplication and confusion, the proposed names of all streets shall be approved by the designated City Engineer prior to such names being assigned or used.
   (J)   Private streets and reserve strips. There shall be no private streets platted within a subdivision. There shall be no reserve strips in a subdivision except where their control is definitely vested in the city or county under conditions approved by the Council as authorized herein.
   (K)   Street surfacing. The streets in the proposed subdivision shall be paved, with Portland cement concrete and integral curbs.
   (L)   Blocks. Except in unusual circumstances, the maximum length of blocks shall be 600 feet.
   (M)   Street name signs. Street name signs, of a type in use throughout the city, shall be erected by the subdivider at all intersections.
   (N)   Alleys.
      (1)   Alleys shall be provided to give access to the rear of all lots used for commercial and industrial purposes. Minimum right-of-way width of an alley shall be 20 feet. Alley intersections and sharp changes in alignment shall be prohibited. Alley surfacing shall be gravel.
      (2)   Dead end alleys shall be avoided where possible, but if unavoidable, shall be provided with adequate facilities at the dead-end, as determined by the City Council. Alleys need not be provided in residential areas where the subdivider produces evidence of easements which are satisfactory to the City Council.
   (O)   Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be provided and shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete.  Sidewalk thickness shall be not less than four inches and sidewalk width not less than four feet. Sidewalks shall be built within one foot of property lines and shall be in compliance with standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
   (P)   Driveways. Driveways shall have a maximum grade of 10%. Driveways and curb cuts shall be located not less than three feet from the side lot lines. Curb cuts for straight curbs and the flare for rolled curbs shall be three feet wider than the driveway pavement on each side.
   (Q)   Street and walkway lighting. The street lights shall be installed by the city. Such lights shall be located at each street intersection.
(Ord. 2006-O-016, passed 5-8-06)