(A)   For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      BEAR-BAITING. The pitting of any animal against a bear.
      COCKFIGHTING. The pitting of a fowl against another fowl.
      DOGFIGHTING. The pitting of a dog against another dog.
      PITTING. Bringing animals together in combat.
   (B)   No person shall knowingly promote, engage in, or be employed at dogfighting, cockfighting, bear-baiting, or pitting an animal against another; nor shall any person knowingly receive money for the admission of another person to a place kept for such purpose; nor shall any person knowingly own, use, train, sell, or possess an animal for the purpose of animal pitting; nor shall any person knowingly permit any act described in this section to occur on any premises owned or controlled by him or her.
(RS Neb. 28-1004)
   (C)   No person shall knowingly and willingly be present at and witness as a spectator dogfighting, cockfighting, bear-baiting, or the pitting of an animal against another as prohibited.
(RS Neb. 28-1005)
   (D)   It shall be unlawful for the owner of any domestic animal to knowingly cause or allow the same to run at large or be exposed in any public place anywhere in the city, or to ship or remove such animal from the owner's premises when same is afflicted with a contagious or infectious disease except under the supervision of the health officer. This provision shall not prevent taking a diseased animal to a licensed veterinarian at the request of the veterinarian. It shall be the duty of the health officer to order the disposition of such diseased animal and treatment of the affected premises to prevent the communication and spread of contagion or infection except in cases where the state veterinarian is empowered to act and does act.
(Ord. 2003-O-020, passed 8-11-03)