When any lot has been transferred by warranty deed or by a deed conveying a fee simple title, but there has been no burial in any such lot or subdivision thereof and no payment of annual assessments for a period of three years, the Cemetery Board with the sanction of the City Council, may reclaim the unused portion of such lot or subdivision after notifying the record owner or his or her heirs or assigns, if known, by certified mail and publishing notice of its intention to do so. Such notice shall be published once each week for four weeks in a newspaper of general circulation throughout the county in which the cemetery is located, shall describe the lot or subdivision proposed to be reclaimed, and shall be addressed to the person in whose name such portion stands of record or, if there is no owner of record, to all persons claiming any interest in such lot or subdivision. If no person appears to claim such lot or subdivision and pay all delinquent assessments with interest within 15 days after the last date of such publication, the Cemetery Board may by resolution reclaim such lot or subdivision. Such reclamation shall be complete upon a filing of a verified copy of such resolution, together with proof of publication, in the office of the Register of Deeds.
Statutory reference:
   Provisions on reclamation of lots, see Neb. RS 17-938