(A)   The municipality owns and manages the municipal swimming pool. The City Council, for the purpose of defraying the cost of the management, maintenance, and improvements of the swimming pool may each year levy a tax not exceeding the maximum limit prescribed by state law on the taxable value of all taxable property within the municipality. The revenue from the tax shall be known as the swimming pool fund and shall include all gifts, grants, deeds of conveyance, bequests, or other valuable income-producing personal property and real estate from any source for the purpose of endowing the swimming pool.
   (B)   The swimming pool fund shall at all times be in the custody of the Municipal Clerk/Treasurer.
   (C)   The Park Board shall manage the swimming pool. The Park Board shall have the power and authority to hire and supervise and such employees as he or she may deem necessary and shall pass such rules and regulations for the operation of the swimming pool as may be proper for its efficient operation. All actions by the Park Board shall be under the supervision and control of the Mayor and City Council.
(`77 Code, § 3-601)
Statutory reference:
   Recreation centers and areas generally, see Neb. RS 17-948 through 17-952
   Levy limits, see Neb. RS 77-3442