No basement or cellar space shall be used as a habitable room or a dwelling unit unless:
(a) The floor and walls are impervious to leakage of underground and surface run-off water and are insulated against dampness;
(b) The total operable window area in each room is equal to at least the minimum required by Section 1480.02;
(c) The required minimum area is located entirely above grade of the ground adjoining such window area;
(d) When occupied for living, it meets all the minimum standards and requirements of this Code;
(e) Furnace and domestic hot water facilities are completely separated from the habitable areas by the installation of fire-rated materials in an approved manner;
(f) Adequate makeup air is provided in an approved manner; and
(g) Two means of egress shall be provided, in accordance with the requirements of Section 1478.04. The second means of egress may be a window whose area shall be at least 5.75 square feet, located not more than forty-four inches off the floor.
(Ord. 1992-16. Passed 4-6-92.)