(a)    The Design Review Commission shall notify property owners of any proposal to list their property or to designate an Historic District which encompasses their property. This notification shall take the form of a letter in the case of individual properties or small districts, or it shall take the form of a public hearing in the case of larger districts. Legal notices shall be published in the local newspaper, and letters shall be sent to all subject abutting properties on the subject street announcing such a meeting at least thirty days in advance of the meeting.
   (b)    Owners of properties which may be listed individually or as part of a district shall have the opportunity to comment and voice their objections if they desire to do so. The Commission shall allow a response time of at least thirty days following the sending of notices or the staging of a public hearing for such comment.
   (c)    The Ravenna Design Review Commission shall submit its recommendations concerning the proposed Historic District or listed property to Council for its review, along with a statement outlining the reasons for such recommendations and written comments of property owners whose property is proposed for listing. The Commission, after holding a public hearing or having received written comments from affected property owners, may elect to withdraw or revise any nomination. If revisions are made to a proposed district, the affected property owners must be renotified either by mail or through a public hearing.
   (d)    Council may, by a majority vote, designate a listed property or establish a Historic District. In making such a judgment, Council may request the opinion of the City Planning and Zoning Commission or any other agencies or individuals.
   (e)    In the event the proposed designation has been disapproved by Council, the Design Review Commission may, after a period of sixty days, resubmit the proposal to Council for reconsideration.
   (f)    In considering the designation of any area, property, or site as a Historic District or Listed Property, the Ravenna Design Review Commission shall apply the following criteria:
      (1)    Its character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage, or cultural characteristics of the City, State, or nation.
      (2)    Its location as a site of a significant historic event.
      (3)    Its identification with a person significant in our past.
      (4)    Its exemplification of the cultural, economic or social heritage of the City, State, or nation.
      (5)    Its portrayal of a group of people in an era of history, characterized by a distinctive architectural style.
      (6)    Its embodiment of distinguishing characteristics of a building type or architectural style.
      (7)    Its embodiment of elements of architectural design, detail, materials, or craftsmanship, which represent a significant architectural innovation.
      (8)    Its identification as the work of an architect or master builder whose work has influenced the City, State, or nation.
      (9)    Its potential to yield information important in prehistory or history (archaeology).
(Ord.2014-030. Passed 5-5-14.)