As used in this chapter:
(a) "Alter or alteration" means any change in the architectural features of any property, such as construction, when that property lies within the Historic District or is a Listed Property.
(b) "Addition" means any act or process that changes one or more of the exterior architectural features of a building or structure by adding to, joining with or increasing the size or capacity of the building or structure.
(c) "Building" means any structure created for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, or property of any kind and which is permanently affixed to the land.
(d) "Certificate of Approval" means a certificate issued by the Design Review Commission indicating that a proposed change, alteration, or demolition of a historic building or structure or within a historic site or district, is in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and local design guidelines.
(e) "Change" means any alteration, demolition, removal, or construction involving any property subject to the provisions of this chapter.
(f) "Demolition" means any act or process that destroys in part or in whole any building or structure.
(g) "Guidelines" means the specific criteria of this chapter relating to appropriate and inappropriate methods and techniques for performing the physical work on a structure. These criteria are meant as a broad-based guide for the execution of the work and each project is to be reviewed on an individual basis.
(h) "Historic District" means any area designated by ordinance of the City of Ravenna which may contain within definable geographic boundaries, buildings, structures, or sites of historic, architectural, or archaeological significance.
(i) "Historic Structure" means any building or structure which has historic, architectural, or archaeological significance and has been so designated according to the provisions of this chapter. The significance of a property to the history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, or culture of this community, state, or the nation may be achieved in several ways:
(1) Association with the broad pattern of our history, events, activities, or patterns.
(2) Association with important persons.
(3) Distinctive physical characteristics of design, construction, or form.
(4) Potential to yield information important in history or prehistory (archaeology).
(j) "Listed Property" means any building, structure, or archaeological site that has been designated as a "Listed Property" by ordinance of the City pursuant to procedures proscribed herein, that is worthy of preservation, restoration, or rehabilitation because of its historic, architectural, or archaeological significance.
(k) "Owner" means the owner or owners of record.
(1) "Design Review Commission" shall mean the board or commission established under the provisions of this Chapter.
(Ord. 2014-030. Passed 5-5-14.)