1. Ohio Administrative Code Section 4733-37-05 PLAT OF SURVEY
A. The surveyor shall prepare a scale drawing of every survey in which he or she retraces previously established property lines or establishes new boundaries.
B. A copy of this drawing shall be given to the client. When required, another copy shall be filed with the proper agency.
C. The surveyor shall include the following details:
1. A title such that the general location of the survey can be identified.
2. A north arrow with a clear statement as to the basis of the reference direction used.
3. The control station(s) or line cited in the deed description and the relationship of the property to this control.
4. A notation at each corner of the property stating that the boundary monument was set. In addition, there shall be a statement describing the material, size, position and condition of every monument found and/or set.
5. A general notation describing the evidence of occupation that may be found along every boundary line and/or occupation line.
6. The length and direction of each line as specified in the deed description of the property or as determined in the actual survey if this differs from what is stated in the deed description by more than the tolerance specified in paragraph (B) of Rule 4733-37-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
7. A citation of pertinent documents and sources of data used as a basis for carrying out the work.
8. The written and graphical scale of the drawing.
9. The date of the survey.
10. The surveyor's printed name and Ohio registration number, signature and seal (in a form which may be clearly reproduced on any copies which may be made of the original drawing).
2. If the proposed improvement consists of a single project located on two or more existing lots for which future separate ownership would not be advisable, then the individually affected lots shall be replatted into one lot.
(Ord. 1984-48. Passed 10-15-85.)