Any person, firm or corporation served by a sewer connection which discharges sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, water or other liquids into the wastewater treatment system, which are of unusual strength, volume or character, but which are acceptable by the City for treatment, shall be subject to an additional surcharge which shall be over and above the rates and charges established in Section 1046.08(d), (e) and (f).
   (a)   The surcharge shall be effective if any or all of the following are exceeded:
      (1)   A five-day BOD greater than 200 mg/l by weight.
      (2)   Suspended solids greater than 250 mg/l by weight.
   (b)   The surcharge shall be calculated annually as provided for in Section 1046.08, to be effective on January 1 of each year, based on the results of tests and measurements made by the City during the preceding year, using the following formula:
      Annual surcharge = (Bw x $0.397) + (Sw x $0.396), where
      Bw = the annual pounds of BOD discharged in excess of 200 mg/l and
      Sw = the annual pounds of suspended solids discharged in excess of 250 mg/l.
   (c)   When required by the Director of Public Service, the owner of any property discharging such wastes shall install a suitable chamber with gauging and sampling equipment in the building sewer to permit observation, sampling and measurement of the wastes from his or her premises. Such chamber and equipment shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the City Engineer and shall be installed by the owner at his or her expense and maintained by him or her.
   (d)   All measurements, tests and analyses of the characteristics of such wastes shall be determined by the City in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage, as prepared, approved and published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation.
   (e)   The strength of the wastes shall be determined from samples taken at the aforementioned chamber at any period or time and of such duration and in such manner as the City may elect, or at any place mutually agreed upon between the owner and the City. The results of routine sampling and analysis by the owner may also be used in determining the amount of the surcharge after verification by the City. The strength so found by analysis shall be used in determining the amount of the surcharge.
   (f)   The City shall have the right to enter and set up, on any property, such devices as are necessary to conduct a gauging and sampling operation and to begin such operation without advance notice to the company. While performing the work, the City will observe all safety rules applicable to the premises, established by the company.
   Where a company or premises have security measures in force which require proper identification and clearance before entry into such company or premises is granted, such company or premises shall either make the necessary arrangement with its security guards that, upon showing proper identification, personnel from the City will be permitted to enter, without delay, for the purpose of obtaining grab samples of wastes being discharged at the various sampling points, or shall install suitable gauging and sampling manholes outside the security limits, which manholes will at all times be immediately accessible to City personnel.
   (g)   If a person, firm or corporation disagrees with the analysis on which the surcharge is based, he, she or it may request, in writing, an additional sampling and analysis which shall be conducted in a manner acceptable to the Director of Public Service and/or the Superintendent of the Waste Water Treatment Facilities. The cost of such additional sampling and analysis shall be borne in full by the requestor.
      (Ord. 1977-44. Passed 10-3-77; Ord. 1991-92. Passed 8-5-91.)