An application for a taxicab certificate of public convenience and necessity shall be filed with the Director of Public Safety upon forms provided by the City, and the application shall be verified under oath and shall furnish the following information:
   (a)   The name and address of the applicant;
   (b)   The financial status of the applicant, including the amounts of all unpaid judgments against the applicant and the nature of the transactions or acts giving rise to such judgments;
   (c)   The experience of the applicant in the transportation of passengers;
   (d)   Any facts which the applicant believes tend to prove that public convenience and necessity require the granting of a certificate;
   (e)   The number of vehicles to be operated or controlled by the applicant and the location of proposed depots and terminals;
   (f)   The color scheme or insignia to be used to designate the vehicles of the applicant; and
   (g)   Such further information as the Director of Public Safety may require.
   A fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall accompany the written application to cover the cost of investigating the application and the advertising of public notice for the public hearing required by Section 856.03.