(A)   The following shall describe the responsibilities of all generators of solid waste:
      (1)   All solid waste must be drained of liquid substance before it is placed in waste containers;
      (2)   Solid waste shall be sealed in bagged or closed containers;
      (3)   No single container of waste or bundle of waste materials shall exceed 50 pounds in weight when placed in city's container;
      (4)   Generators of solid waste are required to place and maintain garbage and solid waste in city-provided container;
      (5)   Users of city containers shall close container lids and shall secure latch;
      (6)   Residential or commercial waste improperly placed will not be collected;
      (7)   Rubbish which includes grass clippings, leaves and pine needles must also be placed in plastic bags.
   (B)   The following items shall not be deposited in city solid waste container:
      (1)   Any waste material listed under the definition of restricted waste;
      (2)   Asbestos containing materials;
      (3)   Chemical products;
      (4)   Fluorescent tubes;
      (5)   Herbicides and pesticides;
      (6)   Wood ash that has not cooled or that may otherwise be capable of rekindling or igniting a fire if brought in contact with combustible materials.
   (C)   This chapter does not in any way obligate the city, it's employees, agents and/or contractees, to clean or pick up solid waste that is improperly placed in container or in any other manner.
   (D)   No person shall place or cause to be placed in containers provided for collection of garbage or municipal solid waste, such materials as flammable, explosive, or hazardous materials. All such materials shall be placed in separate containers and be disposed of at a facility licensed to handle these types of wastes.
(Ord. 996, passed 10-24-2017) Penalty, see § 50.99