(A)   This district is designed for the major roads leading in and out of Raton. The primary purpose of the district is to provide for retailing of goods and services to passing motorists and local residences. Since the commercial areas in this district are subject to public view, which is a matter of important concern to the whole city, provisions should be made to provide for an attractive appearance.
   (B)   (1)   Permitted uses and structures.
         (a)   Any commercial or light industrial use except those specifically prohibited. Prohibited uses are:
            1.   Those uses permitted under the heavy industrial districts;
            2.   Animal hospitals, veterinary clinics, animal shelters, and kennels whereas the animals are kept outside of the building;
            3.   Display, storage, or sale of material from scrap or salvage operations; and
            4.   Automobile wrecking, storage of wrecked automobiles, salvage operations and similar types of uses.
         (b)   Living quarters (apartments) on the second stories and above in commercial buildings.
(Am. Ord. 899, passed 2-22-2000)
      (2)   Special exceptions. After a public hearing, as required in § 156.213, other uses may be permitted under a special exception, if, in the opinion of the Board of Adjustment, the proposed use is not offensive or incompatible in keeping with the character of the district.
(Am. Ord. 899, passed 2-22-2000)
      (3)   Permitted accessory uses and structures. Uses and structures which are customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to permissible commercial uses and structures.
      (4)   Dimensional requirements.
         (a)   Lot area. No minimum size lot is required. Off-street parking and setback requirements and buffer yards wig determine the size of building allowed and or use permitted on the lot.
         (b)   Lot width. Minimum required lot width shall be 60 feet. Refer also to §§ 156.170 and to 156.039.
         (c)   Yard requirements.
            1.   Front yard. Structure: 25 feet. See § 156.172 for landscape buffer requirements.
            2.   Side yard. Minimum required width of side yard shall be 15 feet.
            3.   Rear yard. Minimum required depth of rear yard shall be 25 feet.
(Am. Ord. 878, passed 1-27-1998; Am. Ord. 900, passed 2-22-2000)
         (d)   Lot coverage. As determined by off-street parking and setback requirements and buffer yards.
         (e)   Building height. No building shall exceed 55 feet in height from highest adjacent grade, except for flagpoles, antennas, chimneys, and similar accessories to buildings which are exempted from this height limitation.
(Am. Ord. 953, passed 10-14-2008)
      (5)   Off-street parking and unloading. Off-street parking and unloading shall be provided in accordance with the requirements in §§ 156.155 et seq.
      (6)   Buildings on 1 lot. Not withstanding § 156.039, multiple buildings are permitted on each lot provided yard and parking requirements are sufficient for each separate building.
(1981 Code, App. A) (Ord. 624, Art. IX, § 11, passed 2-25-1975; Am. Ord. 699, passed 6-8-1982; Am. Ord. 869, passed 5-13-1997)