In the event the owner, occupant, or agent in charge of the building, structure, ruin, rubbish, wreckage, or debris described in and covered by the resolution of condemnation adopted by the City Commission as provided in § 151.24 shall file a protest against the removal of the same and ask for a hearing any time within 10 days from the date of service of the notice provided for in § 151.25, the City Commission shall thereafter fix a day for hearing on the protest and shall consider all evidence submitted for and against the removal order, and determine whether or not its previous action should be enforced or rescinded. If it is determined, after the hearing, that the removal order shall be enforced and the owner, occupant, or agent in charge shall fail for a period of 5 days to comply with the order, the city shall proceed in the same manner as provided in §§ 151.20 et seq. for the removal; provided, however, that any person aggrieved by the order of the Commission shall have the right of appeal to the district court by giving notice of the appeal to the City Commission within 5 days after the date of the final order, and filing his or her petition in the district court within 20 days after the determination made by the City Commission.
(1981 Code, § 6-91) (Ord. 408, passed 6-7-1949)