(A)   Obstructing movement consists of either:
      (1)   Hindering, annoying, or molesting persons passing along any street, sidewalk, crosswalk, or other public way;
      (2)   Loitering, sitting, or standing around or at the entrance of any church, public hall, theater, public building, or other place of public assemblage in any manner so as to unreasonably obstruct the entrance; or
      (3)   Holding any meeting, gathering, or assemblage of any group of persons whatsoever in the halls of public buildings within the city or in the streets, sidewalks, or alleys without a permit therefor issued under this section. A permit therefor shall be issued by the City Manager upon written application stating that the gathering or assemblage will not unreasonably affect the public peace, health, safety, or flow of traffic.
   (B)   Whoever commits obstructing movement is guilty of violating this section.
(1981 Code, § 16-33) (Ord. 579, passed 1-28-1969) Penalty, see § 130.999
Statutory reference:
   Authority of city to regulate or prohibit any practice which tends to annoy persons on a street or public ground, see NMSA § 3-18-17B