(A) The following regulations apply to all facilities operated by the town:
(1) Facility must be left clean and orderly;
(2) All outside activities shall cease at dark and indoor activities shall cease at 11:30 p.m. unless exception is granted in advance by the Town Coordinator or a town official;
(3) All decorations and other equipment must be removed immediately following use of the facility. No decorations or signs and the like are to be placed on the walls or light fixtures;
(4) Sale of goods and merchandise are prohibited. Exceptions may be made when the proceeds of such sales are used for charitable, educational, town’s Recreation Department, religious, or civic organization;
(5) The following activities are prohibited in all facilities owned by the town:
(a) Fortune telling or related activities;
(b) Evangelistic services;
(c) Political meetings or gatherings (except official meeting held by the town); and
(d) Games of chance. This does not apply to the awarding of prizes if there is no charge for participation.
(6) Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs are not allowed on any facility owned or operated by the town. Intoxicated persons are not allowed use of the facility;
(7) The person applying for use of the facilities must be at least 21 years of age and will be held responsible for the conduct of the persons in attendance of this activity for which the facility is rented;
(8) Person reserving the ball field must use good judgement in the use of the field after a rain. Extremely wet fields shall not be used. Damage caused to the field by using it when it is too wet, or any other reason, shall be paid for by the person reserving the field;
(9) Booking of the ballfield may be done by calling Town Hall, 704-824-3461. Use of the field is prohibited after dark;
(10) All dogs and other pets must be kept on a leash and under the control of the owner at all times on any town property. With the exception of dogs for the blind, these animals are not allowed in the town-owned buildings or the ballfield; and
(11) No vehicles shall be left on town property overnight without notice being given to the police as to why, and then the driver being given permission by the police to leave the vehicle on the property. Unauthorized vehicles may be towed and the owner of the vehicle would be responsible for the towing fee and any storage fees.
(B) As the renter or user of a town recreational facility, I have read the front and the back of this application and understand the policies and regulations. I agree to abide by these policies and regulations.
Renter Signature:
(Prior Code, § 3-4001)