(A) Please read rules and policies before completing and signing this application. Facilities will be inspected after each use.
(B) The person making this reservation must be a resident of the Town of Ranlo and will be in attendance when used, and will be responsible for the key and the property they are renting. Should any damage occur to the facility in any way while rented, the renter will be billed for the cost of repairs. Should the building be left unclean and debris, garbage, and the like left in or around the building which causes cleaning over and above our normal maintenance, the renter will be billed for the clean up of the area.
(C) “This is a no-fault rental”
Read the regulations of use on the back of this sheet before applying.
(E) Application:
(1) Date:
(2) Facility to be used:
(3) Name of Ranlo resident renter:
(4) Address of renter:
(5) List the type of event to be held at the facility and hours it will be used:
(6) While using facilities stated in this application, I agree to abide by all of the rules and policies set forth by the Ranlo Board of Commissioners and will assume all financial responsibility for any damages to said facilities. I will be present for the designated use and I am a resident of Ranlo, N.C.
(7) Date and signature:
(F) The town will set rental rates, which are to be posted on the town website, and in the fees, rates and charges schedule adopted annually by the Board of Commissioners.
(Prior Code, § 3-4002) (Ord. 4-2021, passed - -)