§ 32.60 DUTIES.
   (A)   If the Mayor and City Council have provided for the appointment of a Police Chief, the Police Department shall consist of the Chief of Police and such further number of regular police officers as may be duly ordered by resolution of the Council.
   (B)   The Chief of Police shall, subject to the direction of the Mayor, have control and management of all matters relating to the Police Department and its officers and members and shall have the custody and control of all property and books belonging to the Police Department. The Chief shall devote his or her whole time to the city affairs and interests of the city and to the preservation of peace, order, safety, and cleanliness thereof.
   (C)   The Police Department shall execute and enforce all laws and also the orders of the Mayor. It shall be the duty of the Police Department to protect the rights of persons and property. The Police Department shall take notice of all nuisances, impediments, obstructions, and defects in the streets, avenues, alleys, business places, and residences of the city. The Police Department shall execute, or cause to be executed, the processes issued and shall cause all persons arrested to be brought before the proper court for trial as speedily as possible. The Chief of Police and all regular and special police officers shall become thoroughly conversant with the laws of the city and shall see that the same are strictly enforced and shall make sworn complaints against any person or persons for violation of the same. It shall be the duty of every city police officer making a lawful arrest to search all persons in the presence of some other person, whenever possible, and to carefully keep and produce to the proper judicial official upon the trial everything found upon the person of such prisoners. All personal effects so taken from prisoners shall be restored to them upon their release. The Police Chief and other police officers shall file such reports as may be required by the city ordinances and the laws of the state. No law enforcement official shall have any interest in any establishment having a liquor license.
   (D)   Suitable badges shall be furnished to the city police by the city. Any police officer who loses or destroys the same shall be required to pay the replacement costs. If a police officer leaves the city police force, he or she shall immediately deliver his or her badge to the Police Chief.
   (E)   City police officers shall have full power and authority to call on any person whenever necessary to assist them in performing public duties, and failure, neglect, or refusal to render such assistance shall be deemed an offense.
Penalty, see § 10.99
   No appointment of a law enforcement reserve officer shall be valid until a bond in the amount of $2,000, payable to the city, has been filed with the City Clerk by the individual appointed or a blanket surety bond arranged and paid for by the City Council and bonding all such officers of the City Council has been filed. These bonds shall be subject to the provisions of Neb. RS Ch. 11, Art. 1.
(Neb. RS 81-1444)
   (A)   The police officers of the city shall have the power to arrest all offenders against the laws of the state or of the city, by day or by night, in the same manner as the County Sheriff and to keep such offenders in the city prison, county jail or other place of confinement to prevent their escape until trial can be had before the proper officer.
(Neb. RS 17-118)
   (B)   Every city law enforcement officer has the power and authority to enforce the laws of this state and the city or otherwise perform the functions of that office anywhere within his or her primary jurisdiction.
   (C)   For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
         (a)   A law enforcement officer whose life is in danger; or
         (b)   A law enforcement officer who needs assistance in making an arrest and the suspect:
            1.   Will not be apprehended unless immediately arrested;
            2.   May cause injury to himself or herself or others or damage to property unless immediately arrested; or
            3.   May destroy or conceal evidence of the commission of a crime.
      PRIMARY JURISDICTION. The geographic area within territorial limits of the city.
   (D)   Any city law enforcement officer who is within this state, but beyond his or her primary jurisdiction, has the power and authority to enforce the laws of this state or any legal ordinance of any city or incorporated village or otherwise perform the functions of his or her office, including the authority to arrest and detain suspects, as if enforcing the laws or performing the functions within his or her primary jurisdiction in the following cases:
      (1)   Any city law enforcement officer, if in a fresh attempt to apprehend a person suspected of committing a felony, may follow that person into any other jurisdiction in this state and there arrest and detain that person and return that person to the officer’s primary jurisdiction;
      (2)   Any city law enforcement officer, if in a fresh attempt to apprehend a person suspected of committing a misdemeanor or a traffic infraction, may follow that person anywhere in an area within 25 miles of the boundaries of the officer’s primary jurisdiction and there arrest and detain that person and return that person to the officer’s primary jurisdiction;
      (3)   Any city law enforcement officer has this enforcement and arrest and detention authority when responding to a call in which a local, state, or federal law enforcement officer is in need of assistance; and
      (4)   If the city, under the provisions of the Interlocal Cooperation Act or the Joint Public Agency Act, enters into a contract with any other city or county for law enforcement services or joint law enforcement services, law enforcement personnel may have this enforcement authority within the jurisdiction of each of the participating political subdivisions if provided for in the agreement. Unless otherwise provided in the agreement, the city shall provide liability insurance coverage for its own law enforcement personnel as provided in Neb. RS 13-1802.
   (E)   When probable cause exists to believe that a person is operating or in the actual physical control of any motor vehicle, motorboat, personal watercraft, or aircraft while under the influence of alcoholic liquor or of any drug or otherwise in violation of Neb. RS 28-1465, 28-1466, 28-1472, 37-1254.01, 37-1254.02, 60-4,163, 60-4,164, 60-6,196, 60-6,197, 60-6,211.01, or 60-6,211.02, a city law enforcement officer has the power and authority to do any of the following or any combination thereof:
      (1)   Transport that person to a facility outside of the law enforcement officer’s primary jurisdiction for appropriate chemical testing of the person;
      (2)   Administer outside of the law enforcement officer’s primary jurisdiction any post- arrest test advisement to the person; or
      (3)   With respect to that person, perform other procedures or functions outside of the law enforcement officer’s primary jurisdiction which are directly and solely related to enforcing the laws that concern a person operating or being in the actual physical control of any motor vehicle, motorboat, or aircraft while under the influence of alcoholic liquor or of any other drug or otherwise in violation of Neb. RS 28-1465, 28-1466, 28-1472, 37-1254.01, 37-1254.02, 60-4,163, 60-4,164, 60-6,196, 60-6,197, 60-6,211.01, or 60-6,211.02.
(Neb. RS 29-215)
   (F)   If city law enforcement personnel are rendering aid in their law enforcement capacity outside the limits of the city in the event of disaster, emergency, or civil defense emergency or in connection with any program of practice or training for a disaster, emergency, or civil defense emergency when that program is conducted or participated in by the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency or with any other related training program, the law enforcement personnel have the power and authority to enforce the laws of this state or any legal ordinances or resolutions of the local government where they are rendering aid or otherwise perform the functions of their office, including the authority to arrest and detain suspects, as if enforcing the laws or performing the functions within their primary jurisdiction. The city shall self-insure or contract for insurance against any liability for personal injuries or property damage that may be incurred by it or by its personnel as the result of any movement made pursuant to this division.
(Neb. RS 81-829.65)